Guidelines for sharing content from the company’s children’s imprints – Big Picture Press, Templar, Studio Press, Piccadilly Press and Hot Key Books – during the current COVID-19 outbreak
Update as of 15 March 2021: This policy has now been extended and is applicable for the period of 7 January to 30 June 2021.
During this challenging time when the ability for teachers, librarians and booksellers to undertake live readings of our titles is restricted – we have revised our permissions process to allow recorded content which shares online storytelling of our titles for the period from 26 March to 30 September 2020 only. Please note that recorded content must not be saved for future use.
Due to the ongoing situation around COVID-19, these permissions guidelines are under constant review. Please check back to this page for any relevant updates.
This permission only applies to free readings / authors reading their own work and is not valid as permission for any project which seeks to financially gain from a reading. If you have a query relating to this, please contact: [email protected]
Permissions for sharing on closed online learning platforms
This permission allows authors, employees of brick-and-mortar bookshops, librarians, bloggers and other influencers to share a reading on closed online learning platforms only.
You may list content on YouTube as a ‘private video’ (i.e. a video that can only be viewed by people to whom the creator of the video sends an email link) and share links to the video via closed online learning platforms.
Permissions for sharing live story time readings on social media
This permission also allows librarians and employees of brick-and-mortar bookshops to provide live story time reading or other ‘read-aloud’ experiences through social media channels. This permission is limited to readings which are posted, whether in real time or pre-recorded, as live on social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook Live, Twitter and Instagram. Videos may be shared – but not saved – on these platforms until 30 September 2020. Readings shared in this way must also adhere to the following guidelines:
- The author’s name (and, if relevant, illustrator) and the title of the book must be announced at the beginning of the video.
- Videos and recordings should not be saved or archived for future use. Appropriate measures should be taken to ensure the videos are not retained by anyone afterwards. If the social media platform automatically archives a live video, the video must be deleted from the account as soon as the event has concluded.
- Please notify us by email [email protected] when sharing a story or book through these channels, and tag @bonnierbooks_uk and the relevant imprint handle.
For all use of video:
- Credit the author / illustrator and book title in any recordings at the start of the video
- Tag the author/illustrator and publishing imprint in any videos
- The video should be removed from all platforms by 30 September 2020
Please email [email protected] informing us that a reading is being recorded.
You should include:
- Title, author and illustrator
- Where the reading is taking place (city, county)
- Who is responsible for the recording of the reading
- How the reading will be shared, including links where possible